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This is the best 9 min and 31 seconds EVER!

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We played this game with the teen group during their recreation time the church conference in PA last week. It was seriously one of the funniest things i have ever seen!

The name of the game is “The 50 Yard Scream”.

The objective: Run as fast as you can, as far as you can, all while screaming. When you can scream no more, stop where you are. The point is then to run farther than the farthest person thus far.

Definitely one of the highlights of the week in the teen group!








But does anyone else ever get tired of drinking it? I feel like it is all i ever drink. I drink it to stay hydrated, to keep the headaches away, and to help my skin look and feel refreshed. It’s a necessity in life, but so boring and routine. I miss the days of being a kid where calories didn’t matter…i could drink all the kool-aid, apple juice and Snapple i wanted. I miss the days of being a kid when no one knew about the effects of soda…and i could drink all the cans i wanted to. Now every time i pick up a Snapple, i think about the 300 calories I’m going to drink and not really be satisfied. Every time i pick up a diet coke, i think about the effects (most of which i don’t really understand…but i try to be healthy) it has on my body with all of those fancy scientific sweeteners. I miss a refreshing glass of sweet tea….oh how i miss sweet tea! (one thing Northerners sure miss out on!) Sure, there are all kinds of flavor thingys you can add to water…but Crystal Light really isn’t the same. I wish drinks didn’t count….that you could drink whatever you wanted and calories didn’t count. I would gladly give up water, and float away in a sea of diet coke or good old fashioned sweet tea.



Mercy Me just started a new blog and YOU should check it out here

Show them some love! 

 If you look outside today, you’ll see this….


The lamp is burnin’ low upon my table top
The snow is softly fallin’
The air is still within the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly callin’…

– Sarah Mclachlan

Everyone seems to be blogging about 7 highlights from 2007 or 7 things about themselves you might like to know, but since this blog is new and no one knows anything about me, i thought i’d tell you a little more about myself.

In a list of 8 of course.

8. I lived in Chicago until i was 10, then moved to VT. I went to college in TN at a small Southern Baptist school (yes, it was major culture shock!). After college i moved to Boston for 2 years. Then i moved to Charlotte, NC for a year. And now i am back living at home with my parents in VT. People say i have a midwesternsouthernboston accent….and that i talk too fast and mumble too much.

7. I love pizza. Anytime, anywhere, i could eat it everyday. The best can only be found in Chicago but Boston comes in at a close second.

6. I dream of going to Italy. I cannot wait for the day when i finally make a trip over there, but i think everything about Italy and Italian people is just so beautiful. Plus, they have lots of pizza!

5. I believe in the value of designer handbags, more specifically, i’m addicted to Coach. A great handbag completes the outfit and it’s a worthy investment. Shoes and jewelry? Meh…it’s all about Coach for me.

4. I’m in a sorority. Well, i was in college, but it’s sisters for life right? Zeta Tau Alpha. Yep, it’s the best.

3. I want to get into photography. I’m saving up for a nicer, fancier camera so i can get more into taking pictures and playing around with them. One day i hope to make it into a side business. I especially love photographing babies and toddlers.

2. I’m also addicted to the Food Channel. I watch it all the time, and you’d think that my love for watching would turn into a love for cooking? Yeah, not so much. Maybe one day.

1. My biggest vice? Hollywood/celeb gossip. I know, it’s bad, but it just fascinates endlessly! My brother is in sports broadcasting and he has spent his entire life watching nothing but sports. He knows everything about every sport from every year. It’s sick. That’s the way i am with celeb gossip. I read all the weekly magazines, i have several sites i check daily, and i of course watch E news.

So there ya have it. 8 things about me you didn’t already know. If you got this far, introduce yourself, i would love to know who wandered this way. 🙂

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a long time now. I’ve had a couple before and never seemed to do much with them. I went through phases of writing on them and started out way back with the now ancient Xanga, which no one seems to use anymore. But i never feel like i have anything important to say or major opinions to express. There are so many awesome blogs that i read on a daily basis that are often very encouraging and inspire me to want to write more, but when i go to write my mind goes blank. So January 4th, 2008 is the best day to start and get this boring introduction out of the way. Hopefully more exciting things will come along the way and someone in the blogging world might start to enjoy reading my thoughts and opinions.

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