
I’ve been reading the blog Bring The Rain for awhile now. The story behind it is so sad. The family is so beautiful. And yet it is often a source of encouragement. It’s a blog worth reading.

The latest post, which i just read, was just….

Well, it brought on some serious tears.

You can read the latest post here.

“God does not give us direction for consideration, he gives it out for participation.”

“The problem is not God’s unwillingness to communicate, it’s most of the time our unwillingness to follow through.”

“It’s surrendering to the known will of God that paves the way to the discovery of the unknown will of God.”

“Great leadership isn’t about making decisions on your own, it’s about owning the decision once it’s made.”

“One of the primary ways that God will direct you and guide you in your life is by giving you a big picture vision of your life, and the clearer that vision is, the few options you have and the easier it is often times to make a decision.”

– All quotes by Andy Stanley, Pastor of North Point Community Church in GA…my new favorite podcast!

I just finished this book.


That’s all i can say. A friend gave this to my mom to read. She told her is was the most disturbing book she had ever read. My mom passed it to my grandmother and she said it was interesting and controversial book she had ever read. My grandmother gave it to me and i say…wow, insightful and i certainly had some double-takes. Now I’m passing it along to my mother. She wanted me to read it before her. I’m anxious to hear her thoughts!

Have YOU read it? What are your thoughts? Do share!

It Really Is All About Me

I just got home from a wonderful night out to a women’s dinner at the country club, full of awesome conversation, free purses and breakfast for dinner! My mom is part of Stonecroft Ministries and is very involved in the local Christian Women’s club that meets once a month for a lunch at the country club, which includes a fabulous meal, special feature and speaker who shares her testimony. A few times a year they have a night meeting to cater to those who work during the day. Tonight was just incredible. We had 75 women of all different ages come and 6 people who gave their life to Christ!! So awesome!! The best part was that the special feature was….all about PURSES!! We gave away 20 purses to the fastest hands grabbing random objects from within their purse, heaviest bag (we weighed them as they arrived!), most shabby chic and most unusual…it was a hoot! We learned a lot about our handbags and got some valuable tips from the book pictured above. The book discusses why women carry the purses they do and is filled with reminders of why God loves us even through our love for fashion!


I went to Target yesterday on my lunch break. Target it such a happy place and makes for a great pick-me-up halfway through the work day. It’s the little things that I find entertainment in…like the dollar aisles, which by the way is jam-packed with wicked cute Easter stuff!…the DVD aisles, hunting for those little “price break” signs and finding a DVD you want on super sale!…and the stationary aisle, who doesn’t love finding super sweet note cards at a bargain price? Another aisle that I often find myself in is the aisle of journals. I like to look at the journals, touch the pretty ones, and see if any are destined to be in my hands. Honestly though, I’m not a big journaler. Not as much as I would like to be or try to be. I like to look at them though in case I find one I like, one that will be pretty and exciting enough for me to want to use it….one that will be pretty and exciting enough for me to…. want to spend quiet time with God. (gasp!)

It’s easy for me to avoid getting up early to be with God and I’m a huge procrastinator. I want to sleep longer. I need to shave my legs thus my shower will take longer. I don’t have my outfit picked out so longer time is spent pacing in the closet. I don’t think God hears me. I’m too lazy to actually write things down. The list goes on and on. So what I do to start getting back into the habit of spending quality time with God? I buy a new journal in hopes it will jump-start the process. I have a ton of journals. Do I need a new one? No. But who wants to begin fresh with God in an old journal filled with old thoughts? So I bought one yesterday.

I’ll admit, I didn’t break it open today. My excuse? We got 8 inches of snow last night and I had to leave even earlier for work. Tomorrow I’ll start. And tomorrow I’ll have to tell you about how many half-used devotional books I have on my shelf…..

What i wonder….is anyone else like this?