Grove City

We played this game with the teen group during their recreation time the church conference in PA last week. It was seriously one of the funniest things i have ever seen!

The name of the game is “The 50 Yard Scream”.

The objective: Run as fast as you can, as far as you can, all while screaming. When you can scream no more, stop where you are. The point is then to run farther than the farthest person thus far.

Definitely one of the highlights of the week in the teen group!








I just got back from being in PA all week on vacation. I am wicked over-tired, my legs ache from all the walkin, and my eyes cannot wait to be shut for more than 4 hours a night. I need sleeeep.

I miss everyone who was there. It’s sad to know i won’t see most of them until next summer.

Tomorrow I’ll update with pictures. I think i took hundreds. Oh boy….just thinking about going through all the pictures makes me tired. But for now, here’s a preview… 🙂

Laughing about something in the stairwell....

Laughing about something in the stairwell....