Life in Nashville

Landslyde, one of Nashville’s hottest country music duos, invited me to hang out with them one night and practice my photography skills….

Blaze & Desiree are friends of mine at Trader Joe’s and i LOVE them, they are super sweet and have rockin voices.

They needed some updated promotional shots for their upcoming shows….what do you think?

Their next show is at the Listening Room on Feb 17th @ 8pm…they are awesome!

To the handful of you who read this blog, you’ve probably been wondering where i’ve disappeared to.

The answer is….nowhere.

I’m still here. Just somewhat avoiding the blog world, only to read others and let mine fall by the wayside.

Honestly, i just haven’t had much to say. My life is fairly un-exciting. I work, i sleep, i eat, and that’s pretty much it. I read so many blogs daily that i LOVE and sometimes i feel like i’m a much better blog reader than blog writer. I always hope that they will inspire me to update mine, but then i think what i have to say isn’t so exciting.

I’m still in Nashvegas. Still at Trader Joe’s. Still trying to figure out God’s plan for my life. You would think it would be a fascinating life always full of suprises and changes, but really it’s just kind of frustrating. I will try to make a return to blogging. I like being able to keep up with my friends and i know that it’s mostly friends who read this.

So in short, nothing is new. One thing i’m grateful these days is the warmer weather….oh summer, where art thou?


Soooo…I’m back in NASHVEGAS and here’s how today is lookin:

1. I had planned to sleep until noon. I worked everyday at 5am while i was home for the last three weeks, so today was my first opportunity to NOT get up before lunch. That didn’t work out so well this morning with all the roommates getting ready for work, so I’m still exhausted. Bleh.

2. My car battery died while i was gone. It’s now sitting outside charging with some fancy box bringing it back to life. I think my car was sad i left it for so long, so it threw a temper tantrum. I missed it too.

3. I start my new job today! Trader Joe’s here we come! 🙂 And i am 99% sure i have another part-time babysitting job, so that will bring in more cash and thus, i can hopefully start to eat more than pb&j and pop-tarts!

Hip hip HORRAYYY!!!

Without a computer, i haven’t been on the Internet much in the last couple weeks. My laptop crashed over Labor Day weekend, and i just got it back from HP yesterday.


They said it might happen, but i didn’t believe it. It crashed in December, i sent it to HP and it came back with the same hard drive, just a new motherboard. This time, both were new and it was too late.

All my pictures were gone….2 years worth. All my documents, all my saved sites, everything all nicely set the way i like it. Yep, all gone. They sent back a computer that really doesn’t excite me anymore. I have to take time to put everything back on, make it pretty, and it’s just not the same.

I’ve been laying low…in a low state of mind, frustrated, and discouraged. I need a job. But an erased hard drive took it to a whole new low. I’m blah.

Hopefully things will start getting better. People have started calling about babysitting, so that is producing some income. Hopefully enough people will start to call to where i can make it a full-time gig. My dream of working at Coach was shattered when i found out they only pay $8/hr. Who can live on that! Crazy.  So it’s down the nanny/babysitting road i go.

Today was a good day, met a couple new families tonight that might lead to good stuff. I’m praying that God is going to provide great opportunities soon. I’ll keep you updated. 🙂

What I’ve been up to lately…

1. I saw my first celeb here!! I knew it was bound to happen eventually (I have GOT to start bringing my camera with me!) but i didn’t think so soon. I dropped my friend off to get a mani/pedi a Venetian Nails in Green Hills, while i went over to the mall to pick up some applications. Mid-application, she texted me saying “Kellie Pickler is here! You have to come see!” So i rushed through the rest of the application, hurried across the parking lot, hoping she would still be there! Sure enough she was so i saw her! Yeah, she isn’t that famous, but hey…it’s a start! She was being filmed for something…while getting a pedicure…and had a little dog in her lap. She was there for the entire time i ended up getting a manicure after i fell to the sales pressure from the woman at the front desk (my nails look so good!), and she left as they were drying. She walked out so fast that the best i could do was get a picture of the back of her as she was leaving on my phone. Anyways, it was a fun surprise!

2. Last night, i passed up going with my roommates to the  Yogurt Oasis downtown. It’s a hot-spot i hear because it’s fat free yogurt, with a ton of different toppings, and it’s sold by weight. I went there the other night and thought it was ok, but passed going again since i have no job thus no funds. Guess what celeb i missed out on seeing? Diana Degarmo! Remember her from American Idol? Top 2 with Fantasia? Again, she’s really not that cool…but hey, she’s more famous than me!

3. I’ve decided I’m going to bring my camera with me wherever i go, so when i see a celeb, i can snap some pics, then sell them to the gossip mags…make some cash! Nah, but that would be awesome. If only i could be a paparazzi!

4. I got 2 job calls yesterday…i haven’t gotten any so far! And as always, they jobs always seem to all come in at the same time. I interviewed at one today, and have one tomorrow. We’ll see! But at least I’m starting to get calls back…it gets frustrating to keep applying and then get nothing in response!

5. I hung out with one of my favorite people yesterday. She recently moved from Memphis to Chattanooga, so she too is unemployed and has lots of free time. I haven’t seen her in a year, so it was fun to catch up. There is nothing better than spending quality time with good friends. I’m excited to explore Chattanooga soon! I’ve never been and i hear it’s a great city.

So that’s what I’ve been up to…looking for a job and getting settled into a new city! 🙂

I’m on a serious job hunt here in Nashville! And I’m running out of ideas of where to look for jobs…eek!

If you know of any open positions in the Nashville area, please let me know!

I am looking jobs like: administrative assistant, marketing assistant, customer service rep, receptionist….(I have a BSBA in Marketing)

I would love to nanny…so if you know of any families looking, i am interested! And if you need a babysitter, i can do that too! 🙂

I know God moved me to Nashville for a reason, and i fully trust that something will come along….I’m just praying that it will be soon!

Hey ya’ll, i made it! I moved in on Sunday and have since been un-packing, organizing everything, and looking for jobs. I will post some pictures of the house soon! It’s very cute! I was going to do it yesterday while i was outside watering Jade’s plants, but after 20 minutes of standing in 95 degree heat….i couldn’t wait to go back inside! Yikes it’s hot here!

Pray that i will find a job ASAP! If you live in Nashville and know of anything, let me know! 🙂